Admission Info
How to Begin:
Schedule an observation by phone 307-734-2747 or by email tetonmontessori@gmail.com
Admissions Procedure
The Montessori Schools of the Tetons admit students of any economic and social class, racial and ethnic heritage, religious belief, and family structure, regardless of special needs. In order to be considered for enrollment in the preschool, children must be between the ages of 2.5 and 6 years by September 1, and must not have been enrolled in Kindergarten previously. We admit children regardless of their potty-training status.
1. Schedule an Observation
We require all interested parents to set up an observation time at the school. Observations days may be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. We suggest you visit between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Observation times are set in order to limit the disruption of the children currently enrolled and to allow teachers and site directors to have all information on hand for parents. If at all possible, children may not come with their parents during observation times. We understand if you must bring your child, but Montessori Materials require an introductory lesson, and we want to make sure your child has a positive experience with the Materials from the start. Please call 307-734-2747 to schedule an observation at The Montessori Schools of the Teton’s Preschool.
2. Complete Enrollment Forms
When the decision to apply is made, please request an enrollment packet (via email, mail, or in-person), complete the enrollment forms and send them to the school along with the $100.00 non-refundable registration fee. Applications are accepted throughout the year and spaces are allocated according to availability. Families with children currently or previously enrolled will have first consideration during admission decisions.
3. Waitlist
If an opening is not immediately available, your name will be placed on our waitlist. Please include information on your preferred start date. We occasionally experience drops in enrollment and will notify you as soon as an opening exists. Most changes in enrollment happen during the months of September, January, and June.
4. Orientation Day
Prior to the first day of school, you and your child are strongly urged to attend an Orientation day. Orientations are scheduled on an individual basis and take place during free play-time in the morning or afternoon.
5. Non-Refundable Registration Fee
The non-refundable registration fee is one-time only for each family.
Please call us if you have any questions, or fill out our waitlist form online. The best time to call is between 7:30 am and 9:00 am Monday through Friday at 307-734-2747.
“You are the best! We hope you all know how much we appreciate what you do for our child. We love the changes we’ve seen in him in the last eight months. I love coming in to your school because you emanate calmness. Not only do the children mirror this, but I like it to rub off on me.”
Caroline Meyers